Sell short term care insurance video
STC > Sell short term care insurance agent sales videos

agent center short term care insurance

A “How To” Video for agents who want to understand the market opportunities to
offer short-term care insurance to your prospects and clients.
Featuring the nation’s leading STC insurance marketing expert, Jesse Slome.
Click the image below to view now.
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E-mail the Advisory Center.  Include your primary State, Name & Phone Number.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start selling STC insurance?   The first step is to get appointed with one or more of the leading insurers who offer short term care insurance (STC) policies in the states you market (sell) in.  The National Advisory Center for Short-Term Care Insurance maintains the latest listing of states where products are approved for sale.  We gladly share this information with agents appointed and working with us to market and sell STCi.

What if I am appointed with a different General Agency or Marketing Organization?  That’s great.  We want to see the overall sales of STCinsurance grow.  We encourage you to ask your General Agency (or FMO) for the support you need to start selling STC insurance to your clients and prospects.

Can I get appointed directly with the various STC insurance companies.  The short answer is NO.  You can contact them, but they will direct you to an organization who will appoint you and make an override on any sales you make.  That’s great.  But make sure you get the support you’ll want before you start the appointment process.  Work with us and we’ll get you the support you need to be successful.

The video shares great ideas but does not mention specific insurance company names; why?  Because policies can and do change,   But also because while we are committed to seeing sales of short-term care insurance grow, our income comes as a result of having agents appointed to work with us.  So, if you want to know more, why not contact us and learn more about getting appointed.